Illinois College offers the following transportation shuttles for students:

  • Weekly shuttles to WalMart on Sunday afternoons, departing 2:00 p.m. and returning by 4:00 p.m.  Free.
  • Shuttles to Springfield Amtrak train station and airport on select dates.  Departure and pick-up times vary.  Cost is $10, advance registration required.
  • Charter bus transportation to and from Chicago for most school breaks (Fall Break, Thanksgiving, Semester Break, and Spring Break).  Regular drop-off and pick-up location in Chicago is next to Union train station.  Sometimes includes a O'Hare airport drop-off and pick-up.  Cost is $30 each way ($40 if O'Hare location used) and advance registration is required.
  • Special shuttle bus pick-up from O'Hare airport at the start of the academic year (night before move-in date for returning students) and end of academic year (following final exam).  Cost is $40 and advance registration is required.

You can find all of this information and the selected dates in the IC Rides Folder on the IC Life tab of Connect2.