Mission and Overview

The BreakAway program is an academic program that "offers students the opportunity to explore the nation and the world through brief educational travel experiences" (IC Faculty, 14 October 2002).  

Illinois College typically offers four-five BreakAways each year during academic breaks - semester break, spring break, or the start of summer break.  BreakAways can be either domestic or international and range from one to three weeks in duration.  Students receive 1-3 hours of academic credit, depending on the course content and length of the BreakAway. 

Proposing a BreakAway

To propose a BreakAway for the subsequent academic year (August - July), faculty should complete the BreakAway Proposal form and submit it along with the materials listed below by March 15th. 

  1. an explanation of the specific learning objectives of the BreakAway proposed and how those will be assessed.  Please also explain (with specific examples when possible) how this trip will fulfill each of the above stated overall learning objectives of the BreakAway Program; (see Section Four for additional information)

  2. a description of the BreakAway, including a detailed timetable/itinerary (If applicable, indicate how many miles of walking, biking, etc. will be covered each day.)

  3. details on the pre-travel course, including student assignments, such as readings, activities, papers, etc.  (Note: If this BreakAway is approved, you will be asked to submit a syllabus.) 

Decisions by the SABA committee will be announced by April 1st.

Please see the full BreakAway Policies document for additional information on Faculty Leaders Eligibility, Proposal Selection Criteria, Leader responsibilities and compensation, and other important considerations.